[Coco] VCC Color Computer 3 Emulator v2.0.1 - Public Release (finally!)

Bill Nobel b_nobel at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 3 10:00:30 EDT 2015

FWIW, I have never used AV software on any of my windows machines.  I learned over the years that it is better to be aware of the links you click on that makes the difference.  Also for the downloads be aware if it is a sponsored download or not.

Bill Nobel

> On Oct 3, 2015, at 6:08 AM, tim franklinlabs.com <tim at franklinlabs.com> wrote:
>   I totally agree. I don't run any antivirus software on my computers. I
>   find that AV software does worse to my machines than any potential
>   virus can. In fact I read that TRW and two other very large companies
>   stopped running AV software for the same reason. However, my company
>   still runs McCaffee, which totally slows down our computers and we
>   still get viruses from time to time. Recently, one of our Service guys
>   got a ransom virus on his machine. Locked him out of everything. He
>   almost got fired. If you knew the guy you would know why he got the
>   virus. He's just not that smart. LOL
>     On October 2, 2015 at 5:45 PM Mark McDougall <msmcdoug at iinet.net.au>
>     wrote:
>     On 3/10/2015 8:07 AM, Tom Seagrove wrote:
>> My estimate is 95% of viruses on a computer are from PEBKAC
>     issues.
>> The other 10% will be blocked by antivirus, or you can do nothing
>> about it.
>     People spend _way_ too much time concerned with arming themselves to
>     the
>     teeth with OS updates and anti-virus software, only to throw their
>     common sense out the window whilst using the internet.
>     If you keep your wits about you, you shouldn't actually need any
>     anti-virus software. I actually had updates turned off in WinXP for
>     years, though I do have them enabled on Win7 these days.
>     Regards,
>     --
>     | Mark McDougall | Error: witty remark not found!
>     | <http://pacedev.net> |
>     --
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