[Coco] [coco]I'm wanting a video converter for my CC3

Dave Philipsen dave at davebiz.com
Sun May 31 23:28:57 EDT 2015

How did the CM8 die? Was it sudden? I've repaired a number of monitors over the years and typically what happens is that the heat generated by the CRT over the years eventually dries out an electrolytic capacitor and it fails.  Many times it costs less than 5 bucks to repair.

Dave Philipsen

> On May 31, 2015, at 11:25 PM, George Ramsower <georgera at gvtc.com> wrote:
> BTW, the converters I've found deal with signals that may not be compatible.
> The one here has been shown on this list but I don't remember what was said. The link to Amazon is as follows. http://www.amazon.com/Arcade-Video-Converter-Board-Output/dp/B005G8KSP8
> So, if this does or can be made to work, I'm good to go! Swapping monitors on the two machines is a PITA.
> George R.
>>>> On May 31, 2015 10:52 PM, "George Ramsower" <georgera at gvtc.com> wrote:
>>>>  I have two working CC3s and one of the monitors died. The CM8 was just
>>>> marginal in quality but now, I'm thinking of upgrading to a new monitor.
>>>>  So my question now is what adapter is available NOW to convert the RGB
>>>> output of this CC3 to a new monitor?
>>>>  I would probably buy the smallest monitor available as it will be in my
>>>> face and large is not necessary.
>>>> George R.
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