[Coco] [SPAM] Sdc question

Barry Nelson barry.nelson at amobiledevice.com
Mon May 25 08:59:10 EDT 2015

FYI, apparently there IS a low level command supported by the CoCo SDC for deleting a file or directory. Currently it is not accessible from SDC-DOS,  however, YA-DOS supports a low level interface to the SDC that will do this.

The SDC commands are string formated as follows:

"M:filename"  - mount an image
"N:filename"  - create an image
"D:dirname"   - change directory
"L:dirname"   - print directory
"K:dirname"   - make a directory
"X:name"      - delete a file or directory

The SDC also supports a Rename command (R:), however this command NOT
supported by YA-DOS at this time.

YA-DOS is downloadable from https://sites.google.com/site/cocoboot2/ya-dos
You can only access these commands in YA-DOS, not SDC-DOS. You could install YA-DOS in one of the 8 flash rom slots in the CoCo SDC like I did.

I already have support under NitrOS9 for mounting and displaying a directory of the SDC card using the commands sdir, and sdrive. I had to patch sdrive to support using the CoCo SDC in slot 4 of my multi-pak, but I have it working now. Since internally, sdrive sends these api strings to the SDC, I should be able to make sdel, smkdir, and snew commands for NitrOS9 also. The sdrive program I patched says it was written by Tim Linder. My patch just adds this code to the start of the CmdSetup subroutine right after the first instruction in that routine, which is pshs x,a.

    lda #$33
    sta $FF7F

This selects Multi-Pak slot 4.  When I finish I'll probably upload a disk to the coco archive, then you'll be able to do what you are asking for from NitrOS9 also. :)

On May 24, 2015, at 4:18 PM, coco-request at maltedmedia.com wrote:

> Date: Sun, 24 May 2015 06:41:30 -0700
> From: Steve Batson <steve at batsonphotography.com>
> To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts <coco at maltedmedia.com>
> Subject: Re: [Coco] [SPAM]  Sdc question
> Message-ID:
> 	<185E2675-84D6-4808-9880-1F675AAA7DE5 at batsonphotography.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
> The Documents I've seen talk about manipulating the files on the PC with a card reader. The Only CoCo Commands I see allow viewing and changing directories as well as mounting the .dsk files. I have seen no CoCo commands that let you manage the files and folders from the CoCo.
> The card reader is the only option I see.

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