[Coco] DriveWire frustrations

Aaron Wolfe aawolfe at gmail.com
Sun May 24 23:34:05 EDT 2015

Well, your failure is because .command files are for Mac OSX.

To start the server on Linux, use the Linux file which ends in .sh

This is covered in the documentation wiki and the included readme.
 On May 24, 2015 11:13 PM, "Bob Devries" <devries.bob at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Here's what I get on my HP-dx2200-MT running Ubuntu 15:04 from the USB
> stick (/media/bdevries/LEXAR (the DW command, not Ubuntu)).
> bdevries at HP-dx2200-MT:/media/bdevries/LEXAR$ ./DW4UI.command
> bdevries at HP-dx2200-MT:/media/bdevries/LEXAR$ Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS:
> -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag.jar
> Unrecognized option: -XstartOnFirstThread
> Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
> Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
> bdevries at HP-dx2200-MT:~$ java -version
> Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag.jar
> openjdk version "1.8.0_45-internal"
> OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_45-internal-b14)
> OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.45-b02, mixed mode)
> In other words... it fails for me too.
> Regards, Bob Devries
> Dalby, QLD, Australia
> On 25/05/2015 12:17 PM, Steven Hirsch wrote:
>> On Sun, 24 May 2015, Christopher Barnett Fox wrote:
>>  I've been really wanting to use DriveWire, but every time I dive into
>>> it I run into trouble. On my Mac, it at least works occasionally, but
>>> is unreliable with frequent hangs and crashes, and on Linux (multiple
>>> distributions, both 32- and 64-bit), I cannot get DriveWire to launch
>>> at all. Java exceptions ruin the fun.
>>  So, what gives? What's the magic sauce to get this software to work? I
>>> don't own any personal seats of Windows, so that's out, although from
>>> what I've heard it sounds the most reliable DriveWire host.
>>  Any decent, up-to-date documentation available on the best Linux
>>> config and installation instructions?
>> What sort of issues are you seeing?  In the past I had good luck running
>> on Ubuntu 12.04 and currently host it on a little Seagate network
>> Dockstar appliance under an Armel port of Debian.
>> Whose Java have you tried?  Between OpenJDK, Oracle and IBM Java, I have
>> to believe that one of them will cooperate.
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