[Coco] Cassette Cable

Al Hartman alhartman6 at optonline.net
Wed May 13 15:05:07 EDT 2015

Robert didn't say what price he was looking to pay. But, you can't source 
the parts for $6.00 unless you get them out of the trash. The 5 pin DIN 
alone will cost most of $6.00 with shipping.

I didn't see cassette cables on the Cloud 9 site, but if Mark has them, I'd 
recommend giving him your business. We need Mark to stay in business for all 
the other neat things he provides.

Somewhere in one of my many boxes, I have my original TRS-80 cable. I 
couldn't find it. So, I bought the one from the eBay seller. It works great!

My time and labor in tracking down the parts, ordering them, and building 
the cable and testing it was worth more than the $21 ordering the cable was 
worth to me.

-[ Al ]-

-----Original Message----- 
From: Steve Batson

I know money can be tight these days for many, but the value of something 
like this shouldn't be overlooked. I'd be surprised if one can be built for 
$6 unless you already had a stock of the needed connectors and wire. Buying 
single connectors and wire by the foot is much more expensive than in bulk. 
Given that a cable like this is required for Cassette Data transfer, I 
personally think the $15 from Cloud 9 is a bargain. And of course there's 
ebay. Shipping can add up fast too.

On May 13, 2015, at 11:26 AM, Boisy G. Pitre <coco at toughmac.com> wrote:

> Cloud-9 sells them for $15, but Robert is looking for something around $6.
>> On May 13, 2015, at 1:19 PM, Al Hartman <alhartman6 at optonline.net> wrote:
>> You keep looking, the cable is in the same place.... eBay.
>> I've bought a cable from this seller, it works great!
>> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Dragon-32-64-High-Quality-Cassette-Tape-Leads-Cable-/250708383860?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3a5f625874
>> Here's a picture of the cable hooked up to my Coco 2.
>> https://flic.kr/p/gmwSzR
>> I use it to send the Drivewire ROM image from my DW server to my Coco 2 
>> over the sound card of my PC.
>> -[ Al ]-
>> -----Original Message----- From: Robert Patterson Jr.
>> I’m looking for a Cassette Cable
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