[Coco] Coco benchmark programme

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Tue Mar 24 22:09:46 EDT 2015

Bob Devries wrote:
> Hi all,
> Are there any benchmark programmes for the Coco, either using BASIC or NitrOS9?
> Just so as I can say "my emulator is faster than yours" Hehe :)
> Regards, Bob Devries
> Dalby, QLD, Australia

There is one of sorts in the NitrOS-9 project. It is included in the 
distribution disks, CMDS/megaread . Maybe not the most useful of benchmarks but 
it does measure I/O transfer rates.

The problem with benchmarks is you need a public archive of results on similar 
systems. Run a speed test on your own system with nothing to compare with and 
you aren't any wiser. :)


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