[Coco] Buying a Dragon from California Digital - Has anyone?

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Sat Mar 21 19:54:30 EDT 2015

On Saturday 21 March 2015 18:40:36 Ken Flanagan wrote:
> Actually Gene, there would be no duty on it. At most, there might be
> 5% GST. Electronics from the U.S. are exempt from duty under NAFTA.

Tell that to Canadien Customs.  This was electronics originally made in 
Canada.  If it was made in Canada and goes back to Canada for any 
reason, all the paperwork proving that Canadien taxes have already been 
paid must be with it coming back south or its impounded until those 
taxes are paid again. On a $9000 item, 5% GST is $450.  But without 
proof that it has been paid, including the original bill of sale (no 
copies accepted and they keep it at customs for their records, so the 
2nd time, you don't have it and they of course have lost it) the poor 
schmuck who buys it gets screwed for the tax everytime it comes back 
south.  That hurts the Canadien maker of a high dollar item, very badly 
because regardless of what he makes as a new and improved model, we 
won't touch it south of the border.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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