[Coco] Off-topic question for electronics wizards

Dave Philipsen dave at davebiz.com
Sun Mar 1 22:13:59 EST 2015

Hats off to you!  That's the simplest straightforward solution there 
is.  Why didn't I think of that?

On 3/1/2015 8:03 PM, Gustavo Ranaur Schoenaker wrote:
> The Shrek Solution: have you tried to cut the buzzer out?
> I have a digital wall clock that for some unknown reason, chimed every
> hour, and IT WAS NOT POSSIBLE TO TURN OT OFF (the manual said). I just
> cutted the piezzo out and I have a nice and silent clock in my living room.
> PS: I liked the capacitor solution, but it is too fancy. :-)
> On Sun, Mar 1, 2015 at 6:29 PM, Gene Heskett <gheskett at wdtv.com> wrote:
>> On Sunday 01 March 2015 15:36:12 Christopher Barnett Fox wrote:
>>> Thanks, Gene! This SLA gel battery shows a "top charge" date of 2009,
>>> so it's lived a long, full life. Instead of pursuing my "work around"
>>> to avoid buying a new battery, I managed to find a compatible
>>> replacement on Amazon for $16 shipped.
>> As I did too, finding a pair of 9AH 12 volters on the ATBAT site, for $42
>> shipped.  Put them in, needed to invent a shoehorn, and I believe them
>> to be working.  Now I am conversing with the "NUT" (Network Ups Tools)
>> folks to see which of the 100 or so drivers included in that package
>> that I am supposed to be using with this ups.  The obvious ones aren't
>> working.
>>> I appreciate the advice from folks on the list who responded.
>> Thanks for the flowers. :)
>>> Christopher
>> Cheers Christopher, Gene Heskett
>> --
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