[Coco] Roy is back! :)

Barry Nelson barry.nelson at amobiledevice.com
Sun Jun 21 05:07:57 EDT 2015

 Roy! I am glad to see you are back! While you were sick, necessity was the mother of invention for me and I developed another solution for displaying the CoCo 3's RGB video by using a special custom cable to connect the CoCo 3 to an off the shelf retail SCART to HDMI converter. This solution works well and has a more modern HDMI output, which I needed anyway, since my new TV lacked a VGA input. I also don't seem to have any noticeable distortion when viewing 80 column text on a cls(7) background. Could this be because SCART is often used at 15khz 480i and the retail adapter I use may have a filter? Or maybe I don't know what to look for?
 Anyway, I like designing this stuff, but I hate making mass production items so maybe you could look over the info and maybe offer this cable to people who don't want to build it them selves? I have had a few inquiries from people asking me to build them a cable, and I answered they would either have to contact some companies who make custom cables or wire it them selves from the information in my document, but if you like building things maybe you could provide this as another option. I am sure it would be MUCH easier to make someone this cable than to build a whole converter too. If you can't find the information of this list, I can send another copy of my wiring diagram directly to you. In the mean time, I'll keep on designing prototype stuff, but someone else will need to build it for "mass" production.

On Jun 20, 2015, at 10:34 PM, coco-request at maltedmedia.com wrote:

> Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2015 16:30:22 -0400
> From: Roy Justus <rjrtty at aol.com>
> To: coco at maltedmedia.com
> Subject: [Coco] Coco RGB to SVGA
> Message-ID: <14e12aa37df-79b7-c7f3 at webprd-m32.mail.aol.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Dear coco friends,
>      I have nearly recovered   from illness and loss of my data files
> so I am getting ready to restart production of my converter.
>      I also  want to discuss some aspects of the process of conversion
> of Coco RGB.     First is the noise some see with early version of my
> converter.   Most common is the vertical bands seen during use.
> Another is the distortion seen with some foreground/backround
> when viewing 80 column text.   Typically the blue in a cls(7) backround
> in SECB.   At first I tried to eliminate this noise  but had little
> success doing it.

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