[Coco] feedback and/or submissions for CoCo Crew Podcast?

Al Hartman alhartman6 at optimum.net
Fri Jun 12 16:11:49 EDT 2015

I hope you'll get Art Flexser, Dennis Kitsz, and Marty Goodman among 
others for interviews for future podcasts.

-[ Al ]-

On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 03:33 PM, John W. Linville wrote:

> Greetings, listeners!  (Wow, that is fun to say...) :-)
> Work is already underway on Episode 1 of the CoCo Crew Podcast.
> We are prepping some good content for you, and I hope everyone is
> going to enjoy the result when it is released (in a couple of weeks,
> give or take).
> We have secured the "cococrew.org" domain for the show.  Web access
> to "cococrew.org" or "www.cococrew.org" gets redirected to our page
> at Libsyn.  From there you can download the current episode or access
> the links to our Facebook page and our Twitter account.
> We also have an email address available for the show now:
> 	show at cococrew.org
> With that in mind, we would love to get some listener feedback!
> Please write us at the address above to let us know what you liked
> or didn't like about the show so far.  Feel free to make suggestions
> for show topics and other comments as well.
> Finally, if anyone has a short (~30 seconds) piece of audio that they
> would like to hear as part of our show, then please send that as well.
> These would likely be used for the transitional bits, similarly to
> how the old commercial clips were used in Episode 0.  If you have
> something longer that you would like to submit, then feel free to
> send that along as well.  We do not promise to use what you send,
> but we will give anything we receive its due consideration... :-)
> As we say around where I grew-up, let us hear from you!
> John
> -- 
> John W. Linville		Someday the world will need a hero, and you
> linville at tuxdriver.com			might be all we have.  Be ready.
> -- 
> Coco mailing list
> Coco at maltedmedia.com
> https://pairlist5.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/coco

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