[Coco] For all RGB2VGA DE-0 Nano builders

CoCo Demus retrocanada76 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 09:03:22 EDT 2015


With the help of Tom McGinnis we have found a missing ground on one
resistor. Not a big deal since the HSYNC seems to be on 3.3V already, but
who knows eh ?

I've updated the webpage with the fix:


I have also changed the bill of material seems some people are getting
trouble with this list. But I have just copied digikey description where is
says: FMALE for female :P

Also, regarding the RGB2VGA 2.0 the project is on hold for now. I'm moving
to west coast (canadian west coast) and this last month has been very busy
for me. But I hope I'll have good news for you soon. Stay tuned.


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