lciotti at lrlc.us lciotti at lrlc.us
Thu Jul 16 06:30:40 EDT 2015

Hmmm.   Looking at the $300+ one it is odd to me that it appears to have no yellowing at all, and only one photo is also odd.   What made this unit not yellow?

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On Jul 16, 2015, at 1:11 AM, James Ross <jrosslist at outlook.com> wrote:

>> From: Richard at fascinationsoftware.com
>> I agree with everyone that $300 for a coco 3 seems very high. 
> I don't know.  I would argue that this one
> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Tandy-TRS-80-Color-Computer-3-/221825118669
> is *possibly* worth the $314 that it's currently sitting at (and perhaps more) because from the picture it looks like it really is in mint condition – to a collector, condition is everything. + It has the joysticks, TV hook ups, and couple of games. If I were bidding on it, I would ask to see closer up pictures, check for scuff marks, see if the warranty sticker is unbroken… etc…   Plus the seller only has 1 star rating and that’s as a buyer.  SO… possibly risky?    
> But this one: 
> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Tandy-Radio-Shack-Color-Computer-3-128K-Clean-and-Working-/271930800554
> I’ll be surprised somewhat if the seller gets the $180 for that one, in that condition by itself. But who knows. If that one sells and its final price, that will give me an idea of what the CoCo3 market is right now. The market for these, might vary from month to month. 
> -- 
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