Richard E. Crislip rcrislip at neo.rr.com
Thu Jul 16 01:06:33 EDT 2015

On Wed, 15 Jul 2015 23:18:22 -0500
"camillus" <camillus.b.58 at gmail.com> wrote:

> " I have realized that
> there are only 2 people who matter in setting the final price of an
> auction. The person who bids the most obviously wins and makes the
> purchase.  But whoever bids the 2nd most amount is the one who sets
> the price. "
> And could it be that the second person is the seller?
> He can hike up the price, ok losing the fee for eBay, but that is
> peanuts against what he gains.

I could be wrong, but EBay was supposed to have put the kibosh to that
years ago.

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