[Coco] CocoSD archive question

Zippster zippster278 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 09:26:46 EDT 2015

Hi Ian,

As sent, SDC-DOS is in bank 0, a stock disk BASIC is in bank 1.
To get SDC-DOS on startup, all dip switches should be off and then it
should load automatically.

The rest of the banks are open.

To get the ROM code into the flash, you can use either a programmer,
or write a transfer a block of memory from RAM.

There is some SDC documentation up hereā€¦

<http://cocosdc.blogspot.com <http://cocosdc.blogspot.com/>>

This page has some details on what you want to do as far as using the flash.

<http://cocosdc.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html <http://cocosdc.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html>> 

- Ed

> On Jul 6, 2015, at 8:11 AM, Ian Baronofsky <ianoid at gmail.com> wrote:
> I run that program but it has an error, probably because I'm not using
> SDC-DOS. Sorry to get back to basics, but how do I get SDC-DOS running?
> If my understanding is correct, the CocoSDC has space to flash at least 8
> cartridge images (128K divided into 16K chunks?) into it although images 0
> and 1 are taken up by two system cart images. Which flash image number will
> I want to put a typical cart image into (for a game I'd want to play), and
> how will I execute that cart image?
> I'm actually trying to put together a basic webpage to explain how to do
> this, just in case other noobs need basic instructions for the CocoSDC.
> It's located at:
> https://sites.google.com/site/cocosdquick/
> Any corrections to the page are appreciated. The cartridge flashing part is
> a work in process as I try to glean all the information I need to figure it
> out.
> Thanks!
> https://sites.google.com/site/cocoboot2/down
> Download the sdcutils.dsk image... it contains a small BASIC proggy to
> flash the ROM in the SDC.  The program require Darren's SDC-DOS.
> cheers
> On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 9:20 PM, Ian Baronofsky <ianoid at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Huge thanks for those links. Very nice. And thanks again for the unit! I
>> got a red shell made, it's super awesome!
>> So how do I load cartridge images into the flash memory of the CocoSD?
>> I have figured out with the documentation how to deal with disk images-
>> well sort of. Between the hardware documentation and the links below
> (being
>> unfamiliar with Coco DOS, I need some remedial command training), I was
>> able to load some disk images and execute some programs, but neither
>> program worked properly- I look forward to trying out a few more later. I
>> should also learn me a bit about Coco 3 vs 1/2 incompatibility, if that
>> could be the issue.
>> --------
>> Hi Ian,
>> Gustavo took the time to put the zips on this page together, even
>> separating the .dsk
>> images into 2 zips, one for CoCo3 software, and 1 for CoCo1/2.
>> <https://sites.google.com/a/ranaur.net/asaventurasdocolorcomputer/sdcfiles
>> <
>> https://sites.google.com/a/ranaur.net/asaventurasdocolorcomputer/sdcfiles
>> - Ed
>>> On Jul 3, 2015, at 6:09 PM, Ian Baronofsky <ianoid at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> I finally got my CocoSD running with my Coco 3, although I haven't
> gotten
>>> any software organized for the SD card.  A few questions:
>>> Has anyone compiled all the archived Coco software into one giant zip
>> file
>>> for convenient downloading?
>>> I was hoping to use cartridge and cassette images in addition to disk
>>> images- is there an easy way to do that easily with the CocoSD?
>>> Thanks!
>>> ian
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