[Coco] 'arc' copy command and Stack Overflow (ERROR #207)

Bob Devries devries.bob at gmail.com
Tue Jan 27 02:39:26 EST 2015

I'm with you stephen.

I too feel there were too many unnecessary changes; some for the sake of 
compatibility with OS-9/68000, but most for no seemingly good reason.

My pet hate is that *someone* decided that all 80 track disks *must* be 
3.5" and so all disk images are shipped with the floppy descriptors with 
DNS=1 and TYP=21. While this does boot, it will not read 5.25" disks 
which were created with DNS=3 TYP=20.

You have two choices: change offset $10 of LSN 0 of all your disks, or 
rebuild your os9boot files with modified descriptors.

Regards, Bob Devries
Dalby, QLD, Australia

On 27/01/2015 5:14 PM, Stephen H. Fischer wrote:
> My quick glance at "Copy.asm" says disk full is no longer returned like the original OS-9 "Copy" did.
> An the person who did it was:
> *  11      2003/01/11  Boisy G. Pitre
> * Added useful options, made more robust.
>           nam   Copy
>           ttl   File copy utility
>> * Added useful options, made more robust.
> and made it incompatible with old programs. Tmode also changed. Is this progress?
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> tmode
> Syntax:
>   tmode [<path>] [<opts>]
> Usage:
>   Displays or changes the operating parameters of the terminal
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> I now wonder if Colorful SLED is really affected like I said in the warning that I cannot remove.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Stephen H. Fischer" <SFischer1 at Mindspring.com>
> To: "CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts" <coco at maltedmedia.com>
> Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 9:14 PM
> Subject: Re: [Coco] 'arc' copy command and Stack Overflow (ERROR #207)
>> Before blaming rbf perhaps a glance at the "copy" utility would be in order.
>> http://sourceforge.net/p/nitros9/wiki/NitrOS-9_Commands_Reference/#copy
>> does not read anything like what I remember for sure. Perhaps an error return is no longer supported.
>> SHF

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