[Coco] Primer on burning EPROMS?

Arthur Flexser flexser at fiu.edu
Mon Jan 26 21:20:34 EST 2015

All the ADOS stuff should be available, with docs, for free in the database
associated with this list.  Last I checked, quite some time ago, ADOS-3 and
Extended ADOS-3 were there, but not the original ADOS.  But I think it may
have been added in the meantime.


On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 8:23 PM, Christopher Barnett Fox <cbfox01 at syr.edu>

> Evening, folks.
> Wanted to try burning some EPROMs, so bought one of the inexpensive
> Chinese TL866CS universal programmers off eBay, $39.99 shipped. Is there a
> primer anywhere on what else I'll need hardware-wise (e.g., a good source
> for compatible EPROMs, suitable cartridge interface, etc.), and information
> on how to actually burn and test?
> For cartridge interface, I have an FD-501, an FD-502, and a Disto Mini
> Controller 1.
> Is ADOS still for sale? Any documentation on configuration options?
> Thanks!
> Christopher
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