[Coco] Build NitrOS9 on Windows, step by step

Tormod Volden lists.tormod at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 03:46:06 EST 2015

On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 3:29 AM, Bill Nobel wrote:
> Ok, now that I have a working build. I need somebody's know how on the make files to add conditionals for Level 3 on krn, clock and ioman. I haven’t dealt with make since my early days in OS-9. I can follow them ok, just don’t know which make is called when, and also what conditional to add to conform to the repo’s system. I want to start adding L3 back into the repo, my experimenting with it (and Robert’s help in disection) is becoming a reality very soon.

Just see how it is done other places e.g. level1/modules/rb1773.asm
for level 2 vs 1.

level3/coco3/defs/makefile already sets an assembler flag Level to 3
that you can use in your assembler conditionals, i.e. IFGT  Level-2


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