[Coco] Disto 4-in-1 clock2 with CocoSDC

Bob Devries devries.bob at gmail.com
Mon Jan 19 21:30:01 EST 2015

Well, after installing a new battery in my Disto 4-in-1, I find that the 
clock is not being read correctly even though I installed the correct 
module for clock2 from the repo. I have my Disto SCII in a MPI slot 4 
and the CocoSDC in slot 3. NitrOS9 is booting from the CocoSDC.

I communicated this to Darren, and he tells me that the H/W clock cannot 
be read until the CocoSDC is finished with its initialisation.

As far as I remember, the clock module(s) are started by the INIT 
module. It seems that any clock hardware module needs to be MPI aware, 
and find the current slot number from somewhere (in memory?), and switch 
to its own slot when it is needed.

Question is:
1. when is the (hardware) time of day clock first accessed, and
2. can the MPI slot be "stolen" at that point?

Just a few thoughts....

Regards, Bob Devries
Dalby, QLD, Australia

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