[Coco] Request for a new .dsk utility to make searchingforROTROD

Stephen H. Fischer SFischer1 at Mindspring.com
Wed Jan 14 19:25:15 EST 2015

NO NO NO! That gives the CRC32 of the .dsk file, not the files inside.

5e68db0d 0000.dsk
e926efe8 0001.dsk
54e03ba0 0002.dsk
e5dc6c6f 0003.dsk
286ea7ff 0004.dsk
251d84dc 0005.dsk
8ee7e3e6 0006.dsk
e7e3063a 0007.dsk

My original request is still needed!


BTY, I found another? FORTH disk, 0066.dsk

And "THE DISK DOCTOR" on disk 0110.dsk that "might" help with bad disks.

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