[Coco] Tandy OS-9 Level 2

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Sat Jan 10 13:39:05 EST 2015

On Saturday, January 10, 2015 12:57:22 PM Stephen Pereira did opine
And Gene did reply:
> I’m curious about Tandy OS-9 Level 1 and 2.
> Even though I have Chris Hawke’s RGB-to-S-Video adapter, I do not have
> a monitor that will accept S-Video as an input, so I have another
> S-Video-to-VGS adapter going into a Dell LCD monitor.  Hence, the 80
> column display on my CoCo 3 is pretty difficult to read.
> Does Tandy OS-9 Level 1 and/or Level 2 require the display to be 80
> columns, or can I use the default 32 column display (or maybe only
> the 40 column display)?
> Further, since I am using HDBDOS and Drivewire, is there a .DSK file
> for Tandy OS-9 Level 1 or 2 that I can use with Drivewire, or would I
> need to use a physical floppy disk drive?
> Thanks very much, in advance, for your attention and response!

Not for the Tandy Distributions, copyrights etc.

But a much much improved, half again as fast version in the form of 
Nitros9 is freely downloadable using hg(mercurial), giving you the whole 
Mary Ann to be built right on your pc, and exported to the coco via 

This works well for linux users, and I assume for winderz users too, but 
I don't run Bill's high priced stuff here.  Never have unless I'm working 
on someone else box that has windows on it.

> smp
> --
> Stephen M. Pereira
> Bedford, NH  03110

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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