[Coco] Drivewire 4 & printing

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Sun Jan 4 21:29:54 EST 2015

On Sunday, January 04, 2015 05:17:40 PM Stephen Pereira did opine
And Gene did reply:
> I have a number of files on my CoCo that I would like to “print,”
> My system is a CoCo 3 with HDBDOS and Drivewire 4.
> I have taken a look at the DW 4 Wiki, and then at my configuration.  It
> appears that I am set up with a “plain text” printer, with the output
> aimed into the cocoprints folder within the Drivewire folder.  So,
> does that mean I can simply load a basic program and then type LLIST?
> Of course, I tried that and then my machine just hanged up after the
> LLIST command, as if it was printing, but nothing showed up in the
> cocoprints folder…
> Can anyone help me to get this going?  All I want is to be able to get
> simple source listings off my machine so I can pull them over onto my
> Mac and get them printed out.
> smp
> --
> Stephen M. Pereira
> Bedford, NH  03110

The normal syntax when running os9 is to make sure your /p and driver are 
the drivewire versions, the just "list filename >/p".  I don't run rsdos, 
so I cannot recomend a syntax to use there.

That will put a copy in the cocoprints directory.  But I have taken that 
one step farther  by sensing when the file arrives, picking it up and 
sending it back to a B&W Brother laser printer thru the cups facility in 
linux.  It renders beautifully, and spits out of the printer at about 19 
pages a minute, starting about 15 seconds after you have your prompt back 
in that shell.

All in Bash script, its rather a cobble job, but once started (I do that 
in my dwstart script here) it just works.  The scripts you can hack up to 
suit yourself are in the Genes-os9-stf link on my web page in the sig.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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