[Coco] Another NitrOS-9 Newbie Question

Stephen Pereira spereira1952 at comcast.net
Mon Feb 23 21:22:54 EST 2015

Hi Bill,

> The other thing (and usually the most frequent) is users.... People have a tendacy to like their "main" drive as "/h0", "/x0" or something odd... in OS9 L2 your default drive where your CMDS, SYS, DEFS  and LIB dirs reside on the ROOT directory, should ALWAYS be "/DD" regardless of the actual media. Breaking this rule alone can cause literally hundreds of programs not to run. Example... you stick a floppy in "/d0" of your DW4 system... type chd /d0, chx /d0/cmds... type "program" and it crashes with a Error #216 which "Program not found"... it was most likely looking for something on "/dd" which would most likely be your dw4 drive.
> Most software needs to be copied to your "/dd".. all cmds in /dd/cmds... all sys in /dd/sys etc. Then if the software is written correctly, it will be able to find all it's files.

I am not surprised to hear this.  I was wondering if this would be true.  Essentially, starting with a good boot disk, all your applications will be added onto it in the correct subdirectories.  Directly akin to more modern systems, I guess.

Thanks again for your explanation.

Stephen M. Pereira
Bedford, NH  03110

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