[Coco] DriveWire on the Raspberry Pi in five easy steps.

Allen Huffman alsplace at pobox.com
Tue Feb 10 21:57:47 EST 2015

> On Feb 10, 2015, at 6:52 PM, Christopher R. Hawks <chawks at dls.net> wrote:
> 	To quote the OS9 (6809) Operating System Manual:
> 207 MEMORY FULL The process address space is full or your computer does
> not have sufficient memory to perform the specified task.
> 237 RAM FULL No free random access memory is available: The system
> address space is full or there is no physical memory available when
> requested by the operating system in the system state.
> 	I didn't remember that the system process space error was 237...

I bet there was a time when both those messages were etched in to our brains.

		— A

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