[Coco] Its about that day again (soldering)

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Sat Dec 26 17:23:49 EST 2015

On Saturday 26 December 2015 11:28:09 Chad H wrote:

> I agree fully here.  I'm not a 'professional' solder person by
> occupation, only by hobby, but when I bought my Hot Air SMD rework
> station (Chinese made I think) It included a temperature controlled
> iron and I prefer it over my Weller SPG40, which is adjustable but not
> truly temperature controlled.
> I used to solder SMD capacitors before getting the hot air gun and it
> could be done but a lot slower and messier with the iron.  I bought
> one of these and it has everything I need in one unit.  Even has a
> handy DC power supply/meter function.
> http://www.ebay.com/itm/161690816788
I have one of those, highly recommended by Grandpa Gene.

Thats also about $15 less than I paid Amazon a year ago & change.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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