[Coco] OS9 Level I - Clock issue?

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Sat Dec 26 14:47:06 EST 2015

Rogelio Perea wrote:
> Been playing around with DL Logo. Two days ago I left the CLOCK program
> running 24x7 on my F Board CoCo 1 (OS 9 Level 1 v2) just for kicks, come
> December 25's morning and I see that the date noted on the clock face
> screen is one day ahead, Dec 26 - the time is correct.
> Thinking it was an issue with the LOCO program I checked on the code and
> found that all it does is read the system clock and use that data to draw
> the clock hands and print the time/date on top; went in and run DATE T to
> find out the system time had flipped one day ahead, hence the LOGO readout
> on screen.
> Yesterday I fired up my CoCo 3 (stock OS9 L2) and across midnight it kept
> the proper dates between days (Dec 25/Dec 26), the CoCo 1 OS9 L1 (which I
> reset to the correct date yesterday) did it's thing of jumping one further
> day ahead.
> Don't recall any of this being noted in any OS9 discussion I've ever come
> across, though I could have missed it as I got in late to the Level 1 game
> (late 90's). The IDENT on my Level 1 CLOCK reveals (among other things):
> Module Size: $017B #379
> Module CRC: $7FD233 (Good)
> Edition: $05 #5
> Am I running an outdated CLOCK module here? (newer edition available?). I
> mean, if it is at all the CLOCK module the one at fault...
> -- RP


The size and crc are the same as those on my Tandy disk cat.# 700-2331. I've not 
tried what you did so don't know if the clock code is bad and the error 

Why don't you update to the NitrOS-9 Level-1 Coco1 system code. The disks for 
several nos96809l1coco1 .dsk images are readily available.


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