[Coco] Its about that day again

Richard E. Crislip rcrislip at neo.rr.com
Fri Dec 25 21:32:56 EST 2015

> So its pretty quiet here ATM.  Waiting on Chinese parts for some
> control improvements on my new mill & trying to get my air brush
> technique back in tune for applying a slightly thinned teak oil on
> some mahogany blanket chests I'm making for my remaining boys.

You should see the mess I make trying to learn to solder 8-). Two steps
forward and one back. Every time I think I'm getting the hang of it,
i.e. a success, the one step back occurs... as in failure or
horrendous looking soler joint. I'm not bad with a benzamatic torch, I
can run that solder every which but loose. Circuit board scream in
terror when I get near one of those with the torch 8-).

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