[Coco] CoCo Cartridges

Michael Brant brant.michael.l at gmail.com
Fri Dec 25 13:59:58 EST 2015

The Following is a list of Carts I do not have. I have been recently
inventorying my collection. I compared my collection with that of the list
on Colorcomputerarchive.com
I love my COCOSDC but really looking for real carts for my collection. If
you have any of the following that you are willing to sell, please email me
off list and let me know how much you want for them. Thanks in advance :)
In addition to the game carts I am looking for Disk Controllers other than
the The FD-502 thanks, Mike

7 Card Stud (1983) (26-3074) (Intelligent Software).cccArt Gallery (1981)
(26-3061) (Robert G. Kilgus) [!].cccBridge Tutor I (1982) (26-3158)
(Philidor Software) [!].cccChecker King (1980) (26-3055) (Personal
Software).cccColor Cubes (1981) (26-3075) (Robert G. Kilgus) [!].cccColor
File II (1986) (26-3110) (Tandy).cccColor Forth (1981) (26-xxxx)
(Microworks) [!].cccColor Logo (French) (1983) (26-8722) (Larry Kheriaty &
George Gerhold) [!].cccColor Robot Battle (1981) (26-3070) (The Image
Producers).cccColor Scripsit II (1986) (26-3109) (Dale Lear).cccCrosswords
(1981) (26-3082) (The Image Producers).cccCyrus World Class Chess (1983)
(26-3064) (Tandy).cccDiagnostics (1980) (26-3019) (Tandy) [!].cccDiagnostics
V2.0 (1982) (26-3019) (Tandy).cccDoodle Bug 1 (1982) (26-xxxx)
(Computerware).cccDoodle Bug 2 (1982) (26-xxxx) (Computerware).cccDoodle
Bug 3 (1982) (26-xxxx) (Computerware).cccDoubleback (1982) (26-3091) (Dale
A. Lear) [!].cccDownland V1.1 (1983) (26-3046) (Tandy) [a1].cccFraction
Fever (1984) (26-3169) (Spinnaker) [!].cccGFL Championship Football II
(1988) (26-3172) (ZCT Systems) [!].cccGin Champion (1982) (26-3083)
(Philidor Software) [!].cccGomoku-Renju (1983) (26-3069) (Intelligent
Software Ltd) [!].cccGraphic Pak (1982) (26-3157) (Tandy).cccKids on Keys
(1984) (26-3167) (Spinnaker) [!].cccKindercomp (1984) (26-3168) (Spinnaker)
[!].cccMath Tutor (1988) (26-3148) (ZCT Systems).cccMonster Maze (1983)
(26-3081) (Tandy).cccMusic (1980) (26-3151).cccPersonal Finance (1980)
(26-3101) (Tandy) [!].cccRoman Checkers (1981) (26-3071) (The Image
Producers).cccSDS80C (1981) (The Micro Works).cccSilpheed (1988) (26-3054)
(Sierra).cccSuper Logo (1984) (26-2717) (Larry Kheriaty & George
Gerhold).cccTennis (1981) (26-3080) (Tandy) [!].cccTypeMate (1988)
(26-3155) (ZCT Systems).cccVideotex V1.1 (1981) (26-2222) (Tandy).cccVideotex
V1.2 (1981) (26-2222) (Tandy) [!].ccc

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