[Coco] Homebrew CoCo Games

Zippster zippster278 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 18:48:35 EST 2015

Yes, it shouldn't be too difficult.  You could do it with just a CPLD, flash chip, and
the sound generator chip, along with some support circuitry.  For an AY or AY type chip,
like some of the earlier Yamaha chips, you’d just need to decode for a couple of addresses
to set up access to the sound chip registers from the CPLD, and set up a register (latches) for 
whatever banking scheme you settle on for the flash.  Feed sound output from the chip back 
through the cart snd line (optionally you could include an output jack as well) and that would be
it for the hardware.  The rest would be software on the CoCo side.

- Ed

> On Dec 11, 2015, at 5:30 PM, Camillus <camillus.b.58 at gmail.com> wrote:
> HI, Nick,
> What would be the specs needed for a sound chip?
> Any thoughts on any chip you know?
> I don't think it is that difficult to add such a chip, the only thing is the software, that increases by complexity ( read quality of the sound ). 
> I know there was once a single board synthesizer from YAMAHA for sale at a very interesting and  decent price. Was able to do MIDI and analog sounds. This board would of course be added to the coco, but could then be detected and controlled from a cartridge. There is after all a dedicated sound line available at the cartridge port. With some code for serial communication the initialization for the sound board could be a fact.
> Just dreaming a loud maybe, but surely worth to look into.
> cb 
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> On 12/11/2015 1:01:51 PM, Nick Marentes <nickma at optusnet.com.au> wrote:
> For anyone interested in reading how Radio Shacks Super Rom Paks worked,
> here is the Rainbow, June 1990 Page 58 for an article by Greg Zummwalt.
> http://www.colorcomputerarchive.com/coco/Documents/Magazines/Rainbow,%20The%20(Clearscan)/The%20Rainbow%20Vol.%2009%20No.%2011%20-%20June%201990.pdf
> Anyone got the skills to redesign and include an option to support a
> cheap sound chip?
> Nick
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