[Coco] de-yellowing cases?

Steve Batson steve_batson at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 21 21:40:30 EDT 2015

I've had two CoCo 1s that were black underneath and say friends wearing off to black way back when. Never saw one that was grey. :)

On Aug 21, 2015, at 4:53 PM, Gene Heskett <gheskett at wdtv.com> wrote:

> On Friday 21 August 2015 10:40:16 Rogelio Perea wrote:
>> On Fri Aug 21 2015, Bill Traynor wrote:
>> Is there a known working way to fix discoloration on old CoCo cases?
>>> I'm considering this method on a yellowed CoCo2 case:
>>> http://www.retrofixes.com/2013/10/how-to-clean-whiten-yellowed-plast
>>> ics.html
>>> But what about dirty grey CoCo1 cases, is it possible to restore
>>> them to new-ish condition?
>> The gray CoCo 1 finish is spray paint over a black molded base,
>> typically when a CoCo 1 is well used the gray paint will start rubbing
>> off on the front keyboard edges, just where the user5's hands would
>> continuously rest while using the computer. These cases have to be
>> repainted to bring them back to restored condition - I do recall some
>> early discussions on this calling for a Mercedes Silver Gray spray
>> paint usually found at automotive accessories outlets.
> Thats od, because I have at least 3 of the old grey ghosts, and when they 
> wore off, it was to highly polished grey plastic.  Never saw a black 
> one.  Ever.
>> -- RP
> Cheers, Gene Heskett
> -- 
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