[Coco] Donkey Kong Remixed for the CoCo 3

Mark McDougall msmcdoug at iinet.net.au
Tue Aug 18 23:45:40 EDT 2015

On 19/08/2015 9:25 AM, John Kowalski wrote:

> Yeah, it took some time and devotion to create DK Remixed.  I have
> been a bit taken aback by the overall quietness surrounding it.  In
> other news, though, I am porting it *back* to arcade hardware.  I
> guess this would be some kind of a first - an arcade game crossing
> over intact to an 8-bit home computer... getting an
> overhaul/expansion... then crossing back to the original arcade Z80
> hardware.

My Coco3 isn't set up atm so I can't try it...

Let me know if you think my Donkey Kong disassembly will be of any help 
- it's about 50% commented and labelled. I should re-assemble it and 
confirms that it produces the same binary... but I don't see why it 


|              Mark McDougall              | "Electrical Engineers do it
|  <http://members.iinet.net.au/~msmcdoug> |   with less resistance!"

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