[Coco] Microware C Compiler -- issues finding library files

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Thu Aug 13 11:51:28 EDT 2015

On Thursday 13 August 2015 09:35:39 Robert Gault wrote:

> Chris Oliver wrote:
> > Gene,
> >
> > I have the 1983 Microware C Compiler, version 1.0, cat number
> > 26-3038 distributed by Radio Shack.  Comes on 2 floppies: one has
> > the compiler, the other has the libraries.
> >
> > Thank you!
> >
> > Chris
> >
> >
> >
> > Generally, those options are set in the compilers driver script. 
> > You didn't say which one, and there are several variations extant.
> >
> > Cheers, Gene Heskett
> Chris,
> The Microware version seems limited regards the location of certain
> files. The files cstart.r and clib.l, "both of these files must be
> located in a directory named LIB on drive /D1." page 1-10 owner's
> manual.
> Based on that, and the following comments about #includes must be in
> the DEFS directory, you will need to move to newer compiler files.
> One source is,
> ftp://www.rtsi.com/OS9/OS9_6X09/PROG/
> Robert
Yes, in particular the c.prep he has is broken once the source code file 
expands beyond the 9 or 10k total size.  Other very useful tools are 
ansifront-0.12, copt2. To be plugged into the processing chain in the 
proper order of course.  Ansifront in front of everything makes an awful 
lot of "Other Platform" code buildable on the coco for instance.

Some things need to be plugged in by hand, and can speed the generated 
code up quite a bit. There is a table driven crc generator that is 
faster than the OS9 call, and the 68x9's bit shifting leaves much to be 
desired, I cull those out when the shift is 8 or more positions and use 
a simple tfr to replace that loop in groups of 8. Easily 40x faster than 
the loop, does exactly the same thing to the data being shifted.

Because of those optimizations, rzsz-3.36 is 200 cps faster that it is 
without them.  Still slow, but perfect transmissions, the rest of the 
nets increases in speeds have rendered it not too useful today. TCP on 
modern machinery is 10000x faster and just as error correcting.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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