[Coco] Kicking the Z-80 butts...

Steven Hirsch snhirsch at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 20:16:46 EDT 2015

On Tue, 28 Apr 2015, Dave Philipsen wrote:

> Yes, the ability to write position independent code is very nice. The 
> 6809 can use PC counter relative addressing and branches as well as long 
> branches which are also relative.  This is something that is practically 
> impossible to do with the 6502 and other 8-bitters.  I learned assembler 
> on my 4K CoCo 1.  When I had to write code for Z-80, 6502 and even 
> 68HC11 (6801) later it was like trying to walk with one leg!

This might be urban legend, but I was told that Motorola started off the 
6809 design cycle by getting an architectural "wish list" from  compiler 


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