[Coco] Zap 0.0.6 has been uploaded to my drop box

Salvador Garcia ssalvadorgarcia at netscape.net
Sun Apr 19 12:37:14 EDT 2015

Hi K, IMHO in need to apologize. I am not a user of your software because I don't own any of the control devices that you have, but do and appreciate the effort that you are putting into this software to make it usable to others. So if you re apologizin' I am thankin' you for the effort that you are putting into this software. Salvador
-----Original Message-----
From: K. Pruitt <pruittk at roadrunner.com>
To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Sent: Sun, Apr 19, 2015 2:27 am
Subject: Re: [Coco] Zap 0.0.6  has been uploaded to my drop box

Sorry guys, but the code I uploaded earlier had a bug in it.

I had pushed a
register unconditionally and only pulled it conditionally. 
This was no big deal
until I added the ability to process multiple commands 
on the command line,
then it became a potential trouble spot.  You'd have to 
pass quite a few
commands at a time on the command line before it would 
crash, but it would
happen at some point and be completely confusing to the 

So if you
did downloaded it, please re-download it and accept my apologies 
for not
checking my code more thoroughly.

Unless I come across another major flaw in my
code, I am finished with this 
program.  It should work quite reliably as a
command-line tool to directly 
send commands to the CM17A or ran from Cron to do
the same.

Actually I may make one more version more with Cron in mind.  It
have a built-in help message, but rather would just exit with an error

rather than displaying the help message, or perhaps just exit silently.  It

would make it smaller and imperceptibly faster.  Or I could just include the

ability to suppress the error reporting from the parameter line.  A silent

mode.  It would be bigger and imperceptibly slower.

Anyway, all current
changes have been reflected in the .dsk and .asm files 

See previous
posts for URLs


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