[Coco] Some "docs" for Zap 1.0

K. Pruitt pruittk at roadrunner.com
Sun Apr 19 01:31:01 EDT 2015

Here is some documentation for the Zap Utility.

Command Options:

zap <house><unit><command> ..
zap <house><*><command>
zap <house><unit><+ or ->

Spaces are allowed between command components:
   The command A1O turns on Unit 1 on House A, A 1 O does the same thing.

Commands can be sent in upper or lowercase.
   The command A1O turns on Unit 1 on House A, a1o does the same thing.

Multiple Commands are allowed on the command line:
   The command line: Zap A1O A5O B7F
    Will turn On Units 1 and 5 on House A and Turn Off Unit 7 on House B

The House:  The X-10 Protocol supports 16 different "House" codes.
            The "Houses" are designated as A through P

The Unit:   The X-10 Protocol supports 16 different Unit codes.
            The Units are designated as 1 through 16

The Commands:

On:         Turns the specified Unit on the specified House On

Off:        Turns the specified Unit on the specified House Off

*           Turns all units on the specified House either On or Off

+           Brightens the specified Unit on the specified House

               Multiple + commands are required to take the Unit from its
dimmest to its brightest.

-           Dims the specified Unit on the specified House

               Multiple - commands are required to take the Unit from its
brightest to its dimmest.

Congratulations!  You may now turn your very expensive Coco system in to a 
remote-control.  :)

> Version 1.0 of Zap is now available.
> The .dsk file containing the binary and the source file is located at:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/ls4cw9br2u1w369/zap.dsk?oref=e
> and the assembly file alone in .txt format is located at:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/h7od6d4zrvepl53/zap.asm?oref=e

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