[Coco] My Windows Readme

Stephen H. Fischer SFischer1 at Mindspring.com
Sun Apr 12 17:23:27 EDT 2015

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gene Heskett" <gheskett at wdtv.com>
To: <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2015 7:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Coco] My Windows Readme

> It should be there Bill, but I never threw the switch to build it to take 
> 6502 code apart for the relatively lame excuse that I didn't have one of 
> those half of one leg critters.  IMO, the 6502 only has half a leg 
> compared to the 6x09's, the most limited architecture of anything I ever 
> looked at the tried to claim it was a cpu. 

The 6502 looks very much like the Peripheral Processors on the CDC 6600. Not a CPU but a PPU for sure. But then anything better than the 4004 is called a CPU, perhaps starting with the 8008 which I have one. 

> The sources for 6502's are there AFAIK, in the downloads I have showing.
> If not, I made a mistake when I repacked the working version, but folks 
> have had all the time since I setup that web page to let me know it was 
> missing.
> AFAIK, the only Senator Foghornish squawks are from SHF, always presented 
> without an example that someone else could stand a chance to duplicate.

But you have seen on your screen the same "File Append" bug that I discovered within days.

 All it takes is to print out the ShellPlus documentation and start at the top trying things.
> So, until such time as I SEE on my screen, by following the exact 
> procedure that got him to conclude that its broken, I will defend it. I 
> suspect its 99.9999% PEBKAC.

Related terms such as PEBCAK (Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard), 

That is a new one for me.
> SHF went off on a shellplus siding years ago, got stuck on its deadend 
> and has never found the switch to get back on the mainline.

Actually 1980 - 1990 when my OS-9 work at it's peak.

I used most of what the ShellPlus authors included, If others cannot because it is broken then are they to blame?

> Cheers Bill, to you and the rest of our readers here, Gene Heskett


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