[Coco] Can't Transmit Email

Al Hartman alhartman6 at optonline.net
Tue Apr 7 02:27:45 EDT 2015

I had the same problem with my e-mail. When I changed the ports on the 
outgoing SMTP to 587 and incoming on the POP to 110 and tell Outlook to use 
the same ID and password used to receive e-mail to send it. That will let 
you send and receive even when you are external to your ISP's network.

-[ Al ]-

-----Original Message----- 
From: computerdoc at sc.rr.com

Hi Guys,
Well it looks like I can't transmit email from Cheeseburger in Paradise 
either.  I really thought I did have access to TWC ISP here.  Oh well.  If 
you let me know your email needs an urgent response, I'll answer on the web 
portal otherwise I'll transmit all my responses when I get back home Sunday, 
April 12, 2015.  I'll have to slowly answer everything in my email account's 
web portal.  It's a pain because my address book is in Outlook 2010. 
Shucks!  Besides, the topic threads get broken when I answer using the email 
web access portal.
On another note, it's sunny here, nice and cool in the shade.  Of course I'm 
indoors as laptops tend to not like the sand, besides I have my laptop set 
on high performance which requires an AC outlet.  :)  I like a lot of power! 
YES! POWER!  I love it!  It's ALIVE!  Take care my friends!

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