[Coco] Looking for Rainbow On Tape

Steve Ostrom smostrom7 at comcast.net
Thu Sep 18 19:13:54 EDT 2014

I'm looking for Rainbow On Tape from June 1984 and December 1983. As a 
matter of fact, some of 1983 and most of 1984 tapes are missing from the 
archives, so if anyone has any of them and would like to upload them, I can 
get them into the archives.


Bill Pierce
"Today is a good day... I woke up" - Ritchie Havens

Bill, don't have my inventory list here, but I know that many of the ROT 
during a certain 12 month period were defective due to "sticky tape" 
syndrome.  The dates above certainly seem familiar to me as being in that 
defective period.  That might be why you don't have the tapes or programs in 
your collection.  I'm fairly certain I have all the data stored on my 
Cloud-9 hard drive system, but as I mentioned to Kandur a week ago, I have 
no way currently to share those files.  My Drivewire computer is broken. 
I'll check this weekend to see if I do have the data you are missing.  Then 
maybe I'll remember to get those to you once I get a new DW computer to 
connect with my Coco3 system.  If you still need them in a few weeks, feel 
free to remind me.

--- Steve ---

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