[Coco] CoCo 2/3 and MPI Locking plate

Brian Blake random.rodder at gmail.com
Thu Oct 16 13:49:06 EDT 2014

Tim just informed me that my last several messages had no new text in them
- just the quotes. Let's see if this one is any different...

Material for locking plates:

I'd think cutting board teflon would be a good choice. Non-conductive and
not prone to splintering.

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 1:32 PM, tim lindner <tlindner at macmess.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 9:13 AM, Steven Hirsch <snhirsch at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm confused by your final statements on that page.  If there's
> > enough demand you'll do it, but won't offer your services?  Not sure how
> to
> > parse that.
> I was offering (if there is interest) in drawing up other combinations
> of CoCos and MPIs. I have access to a "Computer Aided Manufacturing"
> system where I can cut out paper samples to verify the design.
> Once the design is done, I would post the CAD files for others to use.
> > If you are willing to fabricate these, I'd be interested in a couple.
> I stated on the web page I'm not interested in making routed boards
> available.
> But if I were... what kinds of materials and thicknesses would people
> be interested in?
> --
> tim lindner
> --
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Ohioan by birth, Floridian by the grace of U-Haul and a bad economy...
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