[Coco] coco 3 tape recorder replacement

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Wed Oct 15 08:57:46 EDT 2014

On Wednesday 15 October 2014 07:48:33 Didier Derny did opine
And Gene did reply:
> Is there any coco 3 tape recorder replacement
> by a connection to a tablet or a pc sound card ?
> I've checked on the web but I've not found anything
> --
> didier

I've not done it, but lots of people have recorded the cassette output 
audio to a .wav on a pc, then played it back to the coco from the pc.  It 
should actually work better than the cassette because it won't have all 
the garbage in the play back that you get from a 30 dollar cassette 
recorder because they all use magnetic bias from a small permanent magnet.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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