[Coco] Games that use The SSC

L. Curtis Boyle curtisboyle at sasktel.net
Sun Oct 12 12:50:36 EDT 2014

Most of the Orch-90 software was either music related, or (like my version of the PLAY command for OS-9 years back) for playing 8 bit stereo sound samples (the PLAY program played mono Amiga and Macintosh sound files, and stereo uncompressed WAV and .AU unix files, if I remember correctly). I do know some of John Strong's games did support them, specifically for the stereo capability (in his Tetris clone, for example, would pan the beeps left to right as you moved the blocks in those directions). 
Daggorath would have been cool with stereo sound support...

L. Curtis Boyle
curtisboyle at sasktel.net

On Oct 12, 2014, at 4:21 AM, Nick Marentes <nickma2 at optusnet.com.au> wrote:

> On 12/10/2014 3:15 PM, Rogelio Perea wrote:
>> The following three I have run with the SSC:
>> Steve Bjork's "Ghana Bwana"
>> "The Interbank Incident" under OS9
>> Dale Lear's "D.L. Logo" under OS9
>> -- RP
> I tried Interbank Incident and Pitfall 2.
> Both use the SSC although neither really left an impression on me.
> The robotic slow speaking voice of Interbank Incident got grating after 5 minutes of play and the game is best played with the SCC off.
> Pitfall 2 merely played a cleaner version of the monotonous tune from the CoCo3's Super Pitfall. Again, best played with the SCC off.
> I'm just glad I didn't pay too much for my SCC back in the day.
> I think in the short term, I'll be creating my game using my old interrupt driven 2 channel sample playback routines.
> The CoCo really needed a sound chip built in as standard for all past programmers to embrace and use.
> Next cartridge to try in the Orch90. Anyone recommend the best software to try this with?
> Nick
> -- 
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