[Coco] Including an SSC

Nick Marentes nickma2 at optusnet.com.au
Sat Oct 11 16:02:49 EDT 2014

On 12/10/2014 5:39 AM, Simon Jonassen wrote:
> Hey Nick !
> Agreed...  *GOOD* sw to push the hw...
> AY chip is all sqaure wave as you spculated...
> It would be a *nice* option to have on an fpga though... As it's not labour
> intensive like the 1bit stuff or the DAC....
> It basically takes care of itself until told otherwise (vsync)
> /Simon   :-)

My idea was based on what I percieve to be the most useful for including 
sound effects in games.

Using sampled sound effects of gunshots and explosions and then having 
your code merely signal the microcontroller which sample to start 
playing while the 6809 continues on it's merry way.

This is essentially what I already do using an interrupt driven routine 
but this does mean CPU overhead which takes away time from doing other 

Being sample based it should then be possible to create a MOD type 
tracker player using samples of real instruments.

I'm looking at the Teensey microcontroller because it'se easy to 
interface, very capable and I own one!

The 3.1 Teensey has 64K of RAM on board but it also generates 12 bit PWM 
sound, 2 onboard Analogue to Digital converters (hires mouse!), CAN Bus 
support, runs a 72Mhz Cortex M4 CPU, USB, Real Time Clock, I2C and is 
the size less than a 2764 eprom with easy to solder pins!

Imagine all that in a CoCo!


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