[Coco] [coco] The next coco3.....wish list

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Fri Oct 3 14:50:50 EDT 2014

On Friday 03 October 2014 10:45:12 Michael Rowen did opine
And Gene did reply:
> The CocoX kick starter offered all of these features. Not enough people
> were willing to fund it. Wishing is fun, but it will not make anything
> a reality. This was the closest the community ever came to realizing a
> CoCo4. Expecting others to do all the heavy lifting for free is
> unreasonable. Perhaps if the discussion was about raising the capital
> funds, something would actually happen with the Coco4.
> -Mike

This too is well said, and needed to be said.
> George Ramsower <georgera at gvtc.com> wrote:
> >  That was my "wish list".
> >  LET ME KNOW when YOU have it ready:-)
> >  I've never built a computer and most likely never will.
> >  
> >  I don't see any reason to build a Coco4 with all the bells and
> >
> >whistles of a modern PC. Just faster and the ability to use plug in
> >carts as before, the rear ports and of course, a new video output for
> >the modern monitors.
> >
> >On 10/3/2014 1:14 AM, nickma2 at optusnet.com.au wrote:
> >> Hey great! Well I'll be one of the first to buy one.
> >> 
> >> Let me know when you have it ready!
> >> 
> >> Nick

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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