[Coco] Computerdoc - Coco Hardware Development Adapter

Nick Marentes nickma2 at optusnet.com.au
Wed Oct 1 14:55:00 EDT 2014

On 2/10/2014 4:44 AM, Kandur wrote:
> Is it you Kip by a slim chance?
> Kandur
> Wednesday, October 1, 2014, 11:39:54 AM, you wrote:
>> Is User:Computerdoc - from Cocopedia here?
>> Coco Hardware Development Adapter
>> http://tinyurl.com/lt8z2mm
>> Kandur
It is Kip. I made several suggestions to Kip for the design of this dev 
board and Kip designed and made a few boards.

I have one of these although haven't had time to develop anything yet.

The board fits neatly in a Game Pak cartidge with the ribbon protruding 
through a narrow gap and connecting to a header outside designed to plug 
into an experimenter breadboard. The ROM on the board can house a Disk 
Basic ROM. I have HDBDOS so I can access drives via drivewire while 
still running whatever circuit I am developing on the breadboard.

No buffering but one adds that to the breadboard.

When a design is finalised a production board can be designed to 
piggyback onto the develeopment using the ribbon cable connector to make 
for a complete commercial product within the cartidge case (if the 
circuit is small enough to fit, else a bigger case is needed).

Simple and funmctional.

Talk to Kip if if has any left to sell.


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