Nick Marentes nickma2 at optusnet.com.au
Thu May 29 16:52:21 EDT 2014

... further to my comment of "Have computers changed that much"...

That video in question shows children trying to use a computer built in 
the late 70's and are totally bewildered.

Remember more recently all the videos on YouTube showing modern people 
trying to use the newly released Windows 8 from Microsoft?

"How do I shut it down?" ... as people couldn't work out where the 
shutdown option was.

I've seen modern people sit in front of a Mac being equilly bewildered.

Granted, these people are total non-tech types but "laughing" at old 
computers as that video did shows nothing but the fact that people 
generally don't understand things if they are different to what they are 
use to... regardless of which angle you look at it (new-versus-old & 


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