[Coco] Incorrect errmsg file in NitrOS-9 v3.3.0

Kip Koon computerdoc at sc.rr.com
Wed May 28 23:11:12 EDT 2014

Kip Koon

 <mailto:computerdoc at sc.rr.com> computerdoc at sc.rr.com


 <http://computerpcdoc.com/> http://computerpcdoc.com/


Hi All NitrOS-9 Repo Maintainers!

I have found that the errmsg file in v3.3.0 of the NitrOS-9 repo to contain
incorrect information.  

The errmsg file on the nos96309l2v030300coco3_becker.dsk repo dsk file
contains the single line !<symlink>../home/root/nitros9/level1/sys/errmsg in
the errmsg file.  Can anyone else confirm this?  I just did a brand new
build a few minutes ago.





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