[Coco] To Dennis: Message formatting issues with Mailman Archiver

Torsten Dittel OS-9 at TRS-80.CC
Mon May 26 10:16:59 EDT 2014

Bad enough http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.hardware.tandy.coco is still 
not working (it stopped archiving the messages a week ago), so I have to 
open a new thread each time I post:


could it be the following Class Variables in Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py 
have been changed when you updated Mailman which now causes messages 
staying unwrapped:

class HyperArchive(pipermail.T): 
# [...]
# some defaults 
# [...]   
ALLOWHTML = 0             # "Lines between <html></html>" handled as is. 
SHOWHTML = 1              # Eg, nuke leading whitespace in html manner. 
IQUOTES = 1               # Italicize quoted text. 
SHOWBR = 1                # Add <br> onto every line 

The above setting is what I assume had been active before the update, at 
least if I look at this (maybe outdated) code:

def format_article(self, article): 
          # called from add_article 
          # TBD: Why do the HTML formatting here and keep it in the 
          # pipermail database?  It makes more sense to do the html 
          # formatting as the article is being written as html and toss 
          # the data after it has been written to the archive file. 
          lines = filter(None, article.body) 
          # Handle <HTML> </HTML> directives 
          if self.ALLOWHTML: 
          if not self.SHOWHTML and lines: 
              lines.insert(0, '<PRE>') 
              # Do fancy formatting here 
              if self.SHOWBR: 
                  lines = map(lambda x:x + "<BR>", lines) 
                  for i in range(0, len(lines)): 
                      s = lines[i] 
                      if s[0:1] in ' \t\n': 
                          lines[i] = '<P>' + s 
          article.html_body = lines 
          return article 


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