[Coco] CoCo SDC question

CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts coco at maltedmedia.com
Wed May 14 11:01:40 EDT 2014

On Wednesday 14 May 2014 10:43:41 CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts 
did opine
And Gene did reply:

> I did. See my signature below

I see it this time, but it does not need that many lines of blank space, I 
have to scroll down to see it, and of course it does not survive the auto 
sig stripper in most email agents so it isn't present in this reply.  
Thats a good sig Luis, but it only needs one blank line separator. The 
auto sig stripper, triggered by the dash dash space newline sequence, is 
one of the reasons I have set mine to issue a greeting too, it doesn't get 
stripped.  I may even add my last name to that greeting but haven't yet.

Put the identifying phrase above the "-- \n" and it won't be stripped, 
just the political stuff below it.

Yes, I do feel strongly about such stuff, but that doesn't need repeating 
with every message that echo's back & forth here on the list.

My email agent, a very old version of kmail, allows me to use a different 
greeting depending on what sort of a reply I am doing.  You are seeing the 
"reply to mailing list" version.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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