[Coco] DriveWire survey

CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts coco at maltedmedia.com
Sat May 10 19:37:38 EDT 2014

>From the research that I've done so far, and this is not much, basically browsing the DriveWire Website, it seems that a limiting factor is the serial cable that needs to connect the CoCo with the server computer. It would be nice if the great Ethernet infrastructure could be used for this. If this is possible then just chalk up an "oops" for me. :-) Since I plan to do everything via emulation I don't think this might be an issue for me, but it is something that crossed my mind.

Unfortunately we do not have an ethernet interface for the CoCo.

If we did, much of what DriveWire does would be unnecessary and what
remained would be implemented differently.

> Since this is my first post, I would like to use it as an introduction. I reside in the Chicago area and am a member of the Glenside Color Computer Club, albeit my participation is minimal. I am a tinkerer and technology interests me. I have special respect for past technology because I understand that thanks to generations past we now have what we have today.

Welcome to the list!

(from Aaron)

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