[Coco] CoCoFest DownUnder!

Nick Marentes nickma2 at optusnet.com.au
Mon Mar 31 17:54:24 EDT 2014

On 1/04/2014 7:00 AM, Nick Marentes wrote:
> On 1/04/2014 6:47 AM, Mark Marlette wrote:
>> Nick,
>> Annoying power on reset wait....Yep, technology does have it's draw 
>> backs. Low power = long retention.
>> Don't use the power switch to do a reset. Yes bad habits are hard to 
>> break. Could use the old dog new tricks, but I am getting old.... :)
>> CTL-ALT-RESET, RESET or POKE 113,0:EXEC 35867
>> Problem solved........
>> With it running on your system, still doesn't rule out other issues. 
>> The easiest is to run the memory test on the suspect machine.
> That's what do. He, being a new CoCo user didn't know that and would 
> do a total power off each time.
> I'll let you know how it pans out if I can convince him to move the 
> Triad card.

I just realized...

The CoCoSDC is mine here and the CoCo3 with Triad is 3 hours drive away!

No easy way to test.


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