[Coco] No easy rename on OS-9 ?

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Mon Mar 31 12:28:44 EDT 2014

On Monday 31 March 2014 12:24:05 L. Curtis Boyle did opine:

> I seem to recall that the 'CP' OS-9 command had a -l link option (as
> well as the regular copy), that did just re-link, as you are
> describing. It was a free download years back.
> L. Curtis Boyle
> curtisboyle at sasktel.net
And you would be right.

{t2|08}/DD:cp -?          
"cp" (ver. 01.01):  Copyright 1990  Jamie S. Wilmoth
usage: cp [-clmdorpvq?] file1 file2
       cp [-clmdorpvq?] files... directory
    -c = copy file(s) [Default]
    -l = link file(s) instead of copying
    -m = move file(s)
    -d = delete file(s)
    -o or -r = overwrite without prompting
    -p = prompt prior to Overwriting [Default]
    -v = verbose mode
    -q = quiet mode [Default]
    -? = usage help message

When I can remember all that it can do, its actually a pretty good swiss 
army knife. :)

Cheers, Gene
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